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Tag: Disney

Posts related to Disney content (that isn’t Marvel or Star Wars).

Chasing Chickens

Chasing Chickens

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew tunes into the new Apple TV alternate history drama created by Ronald D. Moore: For All Mankind. D. Bethel also watches some tv; however, it’s animated and old––Disney XD’s Gravity Falls.


  • Trailer for the upcoming animated series on CBS All Access, Star Trek: The Lower Decks:





#CAPITALISM: With Disney taking ownership of the 4th of May, Andrew and D. Bethel talk about the role of ownership in public discourse for a bit.

MUNDANE FANTASY: Looking at where the world is now, and with the meteoric landing of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, D. Bethel and Andrew wonder––why do we love playing games about working…and love them?





Constitutional Role-Play

Constitutional Role-Play

THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE MANDALORIAN: A brief check-in to the release of Disney+ this week as Andrew reacts to the first episode of their original, Star Wars show, The Mandalorian. He is surprised more at how much it pulls from Westerns than Star Wars.

A LONG TIME AGO, WE USED TO BE FRIENDS: Veronica Mars was always a show that hovered just below wide popularity, but its fans were devoted and supportive. From the original three seasons that aired on UPN/the CW to its Kickstarted movie, to Hulu’s revival with a fourth season, Andrew and D. Bethel did a rewatch of the show and have some thoughts on what it has been, what it is now, and what it could be in the future.




Listeners in the Woodwork

Listeners in the Woodwork

TO ME, MY LITIGATORS: Eyebrows raised recently when a Florida man sued Marvel, Fox, Saban Entertainment, and many other production companies saying that the generation-defining theme song of the ’90s X-Men animated show actually plagiarized a strikingly similar theme of a popular Hungarian tv show from the 1980s. Nerd Law man, Andrew, and X-Men fanatic, D. Bethel, put their heads together to see if this case has any legs to stand on. (A big thanks to friend-of-the-show, André La Roche for his consultation on this topic.)

DISNEY PEMDAS: Last week, Disney made waves as it began an irresponsibly long Twitter thread announcing every title that would be available on its upcoming Disney+ service. D. Bethel and Andrew sort through the announcement, talking about how much this will shift the paradigm of entertainment consumption.





  • “Nerd Law” by D. Bethel
New Dangers

New Dangers

A WHOLE [KIND OF] NEW WORLD: After waiting well past when the rest of the world saw it, our hosts decide to watch and discuss the 2019 live-action adaptation of the animated Disney classic, Aladdin.


D. Bethel’s drawing of a shot from the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.
  • Will Smith’s Instagram video declaring Aladdin the best grossing movie of his career.


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Aladdin just became the biggest movie of my career! I’m honored and I’m Speechless. (You see what I did there?Gotta pay attention) The only thing I can say is… Thank You

A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on

  • Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire featured an Arabian setting that certainly informed at least two nerds’ knowledge of the setting by the time Aladdin was released in 1992.


  • Episode 117 – Five Minutes to Funny (09 Dec. 2016): Where Andrew and D. Bethel have a long talk about rebooting franchises.
  • Episode 130 – Form a Constant Voltron (14 April 2017): Where Andrew gives his thoughts on the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.
  • Shortcast 56 – Accidental Artistry (25 May 2018): Where D. Bethel and Andrew talk about reboots in the context of the reveal of Thundercats Roar announced by Cartoon Network.
  • A Veritable Odyssey (12 July 2019): Where Andrew and D. Bethel discuss the teaser trailer for the upcoming––and seemingly very different––live-action adaptation of another animated film from the ’90s, Mulan.



Wise Captain-Father

Wise Captain-Father

NOTRE-DAME THE TORPEDOES: We open this week talking about the tragic fire at the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, focusing on how its rebuilding efforts may be aided by the diligent work of Ubisoft (and the work they put into making Assassin’s Creed: Unity.

For context of the jokes Andrew and D. Bethel make at the end of this segment:

THIS SHOULDN’T WORK: Andrew and D. Bethel talk about a tv show they’ve been mildly reticent to discuss because they can’t believe it’s actually good: Seth MacFarlane’s The Orville––an unabashed Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation pastiche that is actually becoming some of the best Star Trek available.

HELL, BOY YOU BETTER STOP: D. Bethel gives a quick look at the newest Hellboy cinematic entry; spoiler: it needs some work.RELEVANT EPISODES:


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💔 . . #notredame

A post shared by Cristina Correa Freile (@dibujosdecristina) on



E.A.A.: Everything’s An Acronym

E.A.A.: Everything’s An Acronym

MARVELLOUS DEBUT: A quick check-in with the toxic male comics fandom to start the show. A few weeks ago, Andrew and D. Bethel talked about how proponents for ComicsGate and their robot army were trying to tank Captain Marvel well before it released into theaters with negative scores on Rotten Tomatoes. The hosts just wanted to recognize that Marvel Studios’ newest movie debuted to record-breaking ticket sales, thoroughly debunking and neutering the latest efforts by those who try to gatekeep and, honestly, destroy comics fandom and its associated medium.

D. Bethel’s notes for this episode, as referenced in the Captain Marvel segment. Apologies for the harsh language.

A LOT OF GREY AREA: A new trailer for the live-action adaptation of the classic Disney animate feature, Aladdin, went live this week and while the first trailer made Andrew and D. cautiously optimistic, this new one got both of them fully on-board. They talk about adaptations again, specifically from medium to medium (like, in this case, animation to live-action) and why it’s a good thing for adapters (is that the word?) to break with tradition and say something unique even with a beloved property.


  • Shortcast 74 – Texas the Rabbit: Where Andrew and D. Bethel talked about ComicsGate’s first attempt to show how comics should be made (and fail at doing so). Also, the RELEVANT EPISODES in the show notes have a comprehensive bibliography of other episodes where ComicsGate was discussed.
  • 21st Century Mouse (22 Feb. 2019): Where D. Bethel discussed the live-action adaptation of Battle Angel, focusing on the choices the filmmakers made to bring the story of the manga and anime to a live-action film.
  • Empty Justice (01 March 2019): Where the review bombing of Captain Marvel was previously discussed.


  • Boasts of Bethel: Getting to the Point“: Going into the wayback machine, D. Bethel wrote down his thoughts about adapting stories from one medium to another, using the relationship between A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones as a reference point (spoiler free).



04 January 2019 – Increasingly Without a Difference

04 January 2019 – Increasingly Without a Difference

LOOKING FORWARD: With 2018 behind them, Andrew and D. Bethel discuss what they’re looking forward to in 2019. Andrew is interested in the upcoming premium Disney streaming service, Disney+, as well as to Bethesda Game Studios adding more content to Fallout 76, while D. Bethel can’t wait for It, Chapter 2 to hit theaters as well as playing the new game from Firewatch‘s Campo Santo, In the Valley of the Gods.

What are you looking forward to in 2019? Let us know in the comments!


  • Episode 84 – Your Cursor is My Prisoner (19 Feb. 2016): Where D. Bethel discussed his time with Campo Santo’s Firewatch.
  • Shortcast 17 – YouChoob (08 July 2016): Where Andrew discusses his experience playing Gone Home.
  • Shortcast 31 – The Secret Was the Clap (29 Sep. 2017): Where D. Bethel enjoyed the first installment of the new It movie.
  • Shortcast 54 – Cameo Train (11 May 2018): Where Andrew and D. Bethel discuss Avengers: Infinity War.
  • Shortcast 76 – A Sense of Place (30 Nov. 2018): Where Andrew talks in depth about playing Fallout 76.



For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Episode 155 – Captain Host

Episode 155 – Captain Host

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew braved populated movie theaters to see Ant-Man and the Wasp while D. Bethel eagerly went to the theaters to see Incredibles II.

DISNEY FLOOD: This summer was a packed house in terms of big-budget blockbuster-intended films with Avengers: Infinity War, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Incredibles II. But with Solo and Ant-Man and the Wasp underperforming, it has Andrew and D. wondering, did we have too many big nerd movies this summer?


  • Brad Bird defends his approach to animated films on Twitter:


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 61 – All-New, All-Same

Shortcast 61 – All-New, All-Same

OBI-WAN KE-NOPE-Y: It was made known that Lucasfilm has put its anthology series, subtitled A Star Wars Story, on hold after the lower box office of The Last Jedi and, most recently, Solo. While the cause hasn’t been confirmed, there are a few factors to look at, one of which could be the box office performance of these films. Another, more sinister, reason has to do with the cultural backlash to Rogue One, The Last Jedi, and Solo. A segment on the internet is convinced that Lucasfilm has a political agenda it wants to push and it’s using the Star Wars series to do so. These dissenters have responded in a few interesting ways: some have banded together and made an official decree to “destroy” Lucasfilm, others have started a crowdfunding/social media campaign in order to remake The Last Jedi. Either way, it’s a complicated issue that Andrew and D. Bethel try to find the knots of.



For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License