TAKING A MULLIGAN: 2020 rears its ugly head again (as it does every day), forcing our humble hosts to take a week and just deal with life for a bit. They’ll be back next week with more nerdy and geeky news and commentary.
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Image Sources: Little, Brown [left], CBS [right]WEEK IN GEEK: D. Bethel gets inspired by Tintin and Alph-Art, the final Tintin book started by creator Hergé before his death. The book is a collection of his layouts and notes and remains unfinished but showcases the process of one of the world’s best comic book storytellers. After nearly a year, Andrew finally dives into Star Trek: Discovery (originally released on CBS All Access) and gives you a SPOILER-FILLED rundown and response to the newest Star Trek series.
Examples of the Tintin meets H.P. Lovecraft fan art by Muzski.
An example of Hergé’s layouts from early in Tintin and Alph-Art.
The final page from Tintin and Alph-Art. So incredibly sad.
After (approximately) ten weeks of teasing, Andrew and D. Bethel finally talk about the newest series of Doctor Who, which not only introduces Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor (as well as her substantial crew) but also new showrunner, Chris Chibnall, and his team to bring the world a fresh look at a 55 year-old character.
Image Sources: Bethesda Softworks (left), Rockstar Games (right)
WEEK IN GEEK: For once, both D. and Andrew are playing new games at their release! Andrew shares his experience diving in to the buggy but compelling world of Bethesda’s foray into MMO gaming with Fallout 76 while Dan finds a groove playing Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 and finds himself getting lost in it.
D. Bethel’s “Spotlight: ‘Masterpieces’ Are Better With Flaws.” (04 April 2018) Where D. discusses that, sometimes, games with a lot of ambition but sometimes questionable execution are better for the medium and culture than games that get it “right.”
Sources: Stonemeier Games (left), Universal/Blumhouse/Miramax (right)
WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew plays Charterstone by Stonemaier Games, a new take on the “legacy” board game style while D. Bethel is moved by the new Halloween.
Below is the image D. Bethel mentioned in the episode where Jamie Lee Curtis comforts her character from the new Halloween.
source: Entertainment Weekly
Episode 87 – Thunder and Lighting (11 Mar. 2016): Where Andrew first discussed the “legacy” game style when talking with Jesse Megagames about Pandemic Legacy.
Shortcast 43 – The # Age (16 Feb. 2018): Where Andrew discusses the “legacy”-styled game, Gloomhaven.
Shortcast 64 – The Humming Incident (27 July 2018): Where Andrew and D. bring on Taylor Katcher to discuss his and Andrew’s full playthrough of Pandemic Legacy: Season 2.
Episode 159 – Toxic Delivery Mechanism (12 Oct. 2018): Where the Halloween film series, as well as the hopes and expectations of the new Halloween, were discussed.
POST-APOCALYPSE NOW: After D. Bethel talks a bit about the California fires (he’s safe albeit drenched in smoke from the Camp Fire––please donate money over supplies to help most during this time of containment and rebuilding), Andrew discusses his hour or so playing Fallout 76.
#IRONSHITES: Richard Meyer and the ComicsGate controversy has been covered many times before on the show, and the latest installment has Richard Meyer aka “Comics & Diversity” putting his money where his mouth is. His 120-page graphic novel, Iron Sights, (written by Meyer, art by Ibai Canales) has been released (it cost $20 for a copy of the book if you contributed to its Indiegogo campaign) was summarily criticized by Twitter user, Jafleece, in a spectacular and validating fashion. The 60+ thread starts here:
Andrew and D. discuss not only what they saw from the thread, but what this says about the claims Meyer and ComicsGate have been levying toward the industry for awhile now.
END BITS: Also, they spend some time at the end to discuss the death of Stan Lee, below is the clip that D. mentioned was his favorite Stan Lee cameo, from this year’s Marvel’s Spider-Man by Insomniac Games.
And, for good measure, the Pokémon: Detective Pikachu tralier:
Shortcast 49 – The Sweet Beats (30 Mar. 2018): Where Andrew and D. Bethel talk about Fallout 4, also the RELATED EPISODES of the notes contain a comprehensive list of the other times Fallout 4 was discussed on the show.
Shortcast 55 – Occam’s Complexifier (18 May 2018): Where Andrew and D. first discuss ComicsGate, Meyer, and his kerfuffle with Antarctic Press.
OPPORTUNITY DIABLOWN: At the end of the keynote presentation for this year’s BlizzCon––a convention devoted to game developer, Blizzard, created by game developer, Blizzard––the wildly successful PC developer announced a new entry into its long-running and beloved Diablo franchise: Diablo: Immortal. While ostensibly a new Diablo game, Diablo: Immortal is a phone game made not by Blizzard but by Chinese mobile developer, NetEase, and it was decidedly not the game fans wanted news about: Diablo IV. In a backlash of epic proportions, Blizzard has tried to course-correct which only dug them in deeper, D. Bethel and Andrew investigate the aloofness of Blizzard, the entitlement of fandom, and the hazy trouble in-between.
Bethel, D. “The Week – 26 October 2018.” Long John. ––Where D. Bethel wrote about people judging texts based on news, images, previews without actually seeing the final content.
WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Andrew starts things off by falling in love with the crafty goodness of using paper mini-figures for tabletop gaming. D. Bethel dives back into consuming the written word (about video games) with Boss Fight Books’ Shovel Knight by David L. Craddock. Andrew wraps back around to dish a little about Stardew Valley on iOS and how its able to manage saves between platforms.
Episode 27 – Super Sleep Mode: Where D. Bethel mentioned starting to read the book, Console Wars (originally posted in 2014).
Episode 117 – Five Minutes to Funny: Where D. Bethel discussed reading his first Boss Fight Books book, Metal Gear Solid by Ashly and Anthony Burch.
WEEK IN GEEK: It’s a week of adventure as Andrew literally leaves the state while D. Bethel brings a journey to a close. Along the way, Andrew talks about playing Final Fantasy V on iOS while also dipping his toe into the meta-craziness that is The Stanley Parable while D. Bethel is actually having fun (?!) with season 2 of Netflix & Marvel’s Jessica Jones.
Episode 05 – Remembers the Poops: Where D. Bethel talks about the difficulty of choice when it comes to making comics. This is reprinted as an essay in the first volume of Long John.
FALL (TV IS) BACK: With the summer doldrums of tv coming to a close, Andrew and D. Bethel discuss the Fall tv they’re looking forward to, including the debut of a new Doctor (and production team) with series 11 of Doctor Who, Andrew’s circumspect approach to the reboot Magnum and quizzical anticipation for Alton Brown’s Good Eats Reloaded, D. Bethel’s blind eagerness for the new season of The Gifted and Outlander, and both hosts’ skepticism of the new Riggs-less third season Lethal Weapon. It’s nerdy Fall tv front to back.