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Tag: Star Wars

Posts related to the popular film, television, video game, and comic series Star Wars.

01 March 2019 – Empty Justice

01 March 2019 – Empty Justice

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HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER (THAN THE TROLLS CAN FOLLOW): As with many nerdy movies lately that have been labeled as being damaging to the field, Marvel’s upcoming tent-pole film, Captain Marvel (the first from Marvel Studios to have a woman in the lead role), aggregate review site Rotten Tomatoes have been targeted by these organized hate campaigns by getting “review bombed.” This means people have taken the steps to make sure sites like Rotten Tomatoes––a site many people visit to see how upcoming movies are trending and reviewing––show a low anticipation or review score with the hope of scaring off potential viewers and condemning the film to low box office receipts. Star Wars: The Last Jedi was victim to this as was 2016’s Ghostbusters reboot and, in possibly in a successful campaign, Solo: A Star Wars Story got hit hard. However, Captain Marvel is on track to break records with ticket presales and be a big smash at theaters.

Andrew and D. Bethel investigate this continuing trend, how Rotten Tomatoes is actually, finally, doing something about this habit, and discuss how and why Captain Marvel seems to be beating the odds.


  • A brief overview from Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comics‘ episode about Milestone Comics:




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For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

04 January 2019 – Increasingly Without a Difference

04 January 2019 – Increasingly Without a Difference

LOOKING FORWARD: With 2018 behind them, Andrew and D. Bethel discuss what they’re looking forward to in 2019. Andrew is interested in the upcoming premium Disney streaming service, Disney+, as well as to Bethesda Game Studios adding more content to Fallout 76, while D. Bethel can’t wait for It, Chapter 2 to hit theaters as well as playing the new game from Firewatch‘s Campo Santo, In the Valley of the Gods.

What are you looking forward to in 2019? Let us know in the comments!


  • Episode 84 – Your Cursor is My Prisoner (19 Feb. 2016): Where D. Bethel discussed his time with Campo Santo’s Firewatch.
  • Shortcast 17 – YouChoob (08 July 2016): Where Andrew discusses his experience playing Gone Home.
  • Shortcast 31 – The Secret Was the Clap (29 Sep. 2017): Where D. Bethel enjoyed the first installment of the new It movie.
  • Shortcast 54 – Cameo Train (11 May 2018): Where Andrew and D. Bethel discuss Avengers: Infinity War.
  • Shortcast 76 – A Sense of Place (30 Nov. 2018): Where Andrew talks in depth about playing Fallout 76.



For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 70 – Mr. Moustache

Shortcast 70 – Mr. Moustache

FALL (TV IS) BACK: With the summer doldrums of tv coming to a close, Andrew and D. Bethel discuss the Fall tv they’re looking forward to, including the debut of a new Doctor (and production team) with series 11 of Doctor Who, Andrew’s circumspect approach to the reboot Magnum and quizzical anticipation for Alton Brown’s Good Eats Reloaded, D. Bethel’s blind eagerness for the new season of The Gifted and Outlander, and both hosts’ skepticism of the new Riggs-less third season Lethal Weapon. It’s nerdy Fall tv front to back.


“Doctor CthulWho” by D. Bethel




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Main Theme” by Sylvester Levay (Theme song from Airwolf).
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 65 – Find a Cheap Show

Shortcast 65 – Find a Cheap Show

GOING BACK: Having played Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, D. Bethel has since gone back and played the first game in the Uncharted series and was rather frustrated by it. This experience got our hosts thinking about entering series (of games, movies, tv shows, etc.) mid-stream––what’s the value of going back to the start?



For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Episode 155 – Captain Host

Episode 155 – Captain Host

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew braved populated movie theaters to see Ant-Man and the Wasp while D. Bethel eagerly went to the theaters to see Incredibles II.

DISNEY FLOOD: This summer was a packed house in terms of big-budget blockbuster-intended films with Avengers: Infinity War, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Incredibles II. But with Solo and Ant-Man and the Wasp underperforming, it has Andrew and D. wondering, did we have too many big nerd movies this summer?


  • Brad Bird defends his approach to animated films on Twitter:


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 61 – All-New, All-Same

Shortcast 61 – All-New, All-Same

OBI-WAN KE-NOPE-Y: It was made known that Lucasfilm has put its anthology series, subtitled A Star Wars Story, on hold after the lower box office of The Last Jedi and, most recently, Solo. While the cause hasn’t been confirmed, there are a few factors to look at, one of which could be the box office performance of these films. Another, more sinister, reason has to do with the cultural backlash to Rogue One, The Last Jedi, and Solo. A segment on the internet is convinced that Lucasfilm has a political agenda it wants to push and it’s using the Star Wars series to do so. These dissenters have responded in a few interesting ways: some have banded together and made an official decree to “destroy” Lucasfilm, others have started a crowdfunding/social media campaign in order to remake The Last Jedi. Either way, it’s a complicated issue that Andrew and D. Bethel try to find the knots of.



For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 60 – Turn Up This Hotness

Shortcast 60 – Turn Up This Hotness

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew sees the latest Star Wars Story, Solo, while D. Bethel gushes about the recent God of War reboot.



  • God of War‘s Kratos voice actor, Christopher Judge, telling dad jokes:

  • Taylor playing Fallout 4 with Andrew heckling:

Watch live video from TK4TCH on


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 48 – My Smokey Timbre

Shortcast 48 – My Smokey Timbre

RECYCLE, REDUCE, REUSE: This week, Andrew and D. discuss revisions that happen to works after they are released. From the canon-bending Star Wars re-releases from the late 1990s to the archival efforts of the Mega Man Legacy Collection, works are “preserved” in some form or another, but attention could (and should) be paid to the reasons for such preservation and re-release: is it in the interest of the creator? Of the owner? Of the audience? While they don’t generate any answers, our hosts certainly probe the topic for its diversity of impetus, goals, and cultural impact. Well, they do decide that pop culture needs some sort of library, but that’s about it.




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 45 – The Cure for Canon Shift

Shortcast 45 – The Cure for Canon Shift

THE LONG CON-TINUITY: After years of teasing the topic, Andrew and D. finally sit down to talk about continuity. It starts with the continuity issues surrounding Star Wars and Disney’s purge of their Extended Universe, before it descends into talk about its benefits, its setbacks, and why it can be used as a weapon.


  • The ending to St. Elsewhere (re: the reference to the “snow globe ending” in this episode, referring to the very end of the show, St. Elsewhere, where it was revealed that the show was actually just a fictional universe imagined by an autistic child):


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Episode 151 – The Coca-Cola of Science Fiction

Episode 151 – The Coca-Cola of Science Fiction

WEEK IN GEEK: Both Andrew and D. Bethel saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi so––

THE LAST HOT TAKE: They bring in original Star Wars fan and friend of the show, Jason Tudor, to talk about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the talk around the movie, and what it means for the franchise SPOILER ALERT––SIGNIFICANT PLOT POINTS ARE DISCUSSED; BE SURE TO WATCH THE MOVIE BEFORE LISTENING.




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License