Five Years [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes
We’re taking a quick minute to take notice that today––March 29th––is the five year anniversary of the show’s first episode.
For five years this show has proudly never missed an update. Sure, to accommodate that we created formats like the Shortcast, Guestcast, and even an honest-to-god clip show––but we’ve always brought you weekly audio as your reliable 14th source for nerdy and geeky news and discussion.
During this time, we tried out a lot of things––not the least of which was this very website. Dan had his “Boast of Bethel” segment and column from the start before having to abandon it after getting full time teaching work. He also shared (and pontificated on) the quality writing that exists out there about nerdy and geeky stuff with his “Worth a Look” columns. This site also allowed him to expand the audio offerings of the brand with the well-regarded talks about reading, making, and selling comics in Con Artists.
Andrew spearheaded our takes on news releases with the “News Blast” articles, as well as starting the “Spotlight” features and our occasional deep-dives into a host’s “Week in Geek.” And though both hosts got incredibly busy with their day jobs and haven’t been able to write as much on the site in awhile, they continue to bring their unique perspectives from these exercises to the weekly podcast.
We can’t forget all the friends that have helped us out along the way, including the ostensible third host, Taylor Katcher. Includ ed among the ranks of folks who have helped us stick around are Josh Tobey, André La Roche, Jason Tudor (check out his new podcast, Dollar Box Reads), Elijah Kaine, Mary Travers, The Nerdhole, Luke Turpeinen and Nicole Jekich from AcrossTheBoardGames.net, Jake Waltier, Jacqueline Nolis, and Jesse Shepherd.
We also can’t forget the time they recorded the first part of a likely never-to-be-finished audio drama––editing and mixing audio dramas turns out to be very hard.
As we ended rounded the corner on our fifth year, we realized that breaking up the show into a variety of formats and categories was really just indicative of what our mood and interests were from week to week. In earnest, variety is the show; so, at the beginning of 2019, we shucked episode numbers and categories to just bring you A Podcast [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes every week no matter the form it took and we think we’re heading into our sixth year a bit more confident of what the identity of the show is with less fear about taking chances.
We hope you stick around for the future chances we take. We would, of course, like to thank all the listeners new, old, and intermittent. It’s nice to know that you all continue to enjoy two over-educated old friends talk about these things week after week. We look forward to bringing you more audio––and more surprises––in the weeks, months, and years to come!