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Tag: Godzilla

Deep Discount

Deep Discount

WEEK IN GEEK: It’s a new year and––guess what?––our hosts are still geeks that have weeks; with that in mind, our hosts share the open-world character action games that have been occupying their time lately: Andrew dives into the conspiracy of Assassin’s Creed: Origins while D. Bethel uses the force in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

(00:00) Intro – Teacher talk.
(02:48) Andrew’s Week in Geek: Assassin’s Creed: Origins
(14:39) D.’s Week in Geek: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
(27:01) D.’s Extra Week in Geek: Starting Agatha All Along
(35:08) Outro – D. Bethel’s actual “Thing of 2024”: Godzilla Minus One Minus Color
(37:24) Outtakes


  • Reverent Irreverence” (17 May 2019): Where D. Bethel shares his time with Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
  • The Full Kyrun” (2 February 2024): Where D. Bethel discusses the surprisingly affective experience of watching Godzilla Minus One Minus Color.
  • Rogue Staple” (8 November 2024): Where Andrew walks through his thoughts of Agatha All Along.



So Many Halves

So Many Halves

WEEK IN HYPE: Instead of discussing what nerdy and geeky stuff they’ve been actively doing, our hosts instead discuss what nerdy and geeky stuff they’re excited about potentially doing. Andrew is inspired by the TTJRPG, Fabula Ultima, while D. Bethel gets tactical, romantic, and deck-buildy in the first few hours of Marvel’s Midnight Suns.


(00:00) Intro – it’s hot in Sacramento!
(01:22) Andrew’s Week in Hype: Fabula Ultima
(20:32) D. Bethel’s Week in Hype: Marvel’s Midnight Suns
(34:55) Outro – new nerdy content: Fallout 76 update and Godzilla Minus One is on Netflix
(38:04) Outtakes


  • Memory of a Landline” (17 December 2021): Where D. Bethel shares his thoughts on the opening hours of Eidos-Montreál’s Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy game.
  • The Full Kyrun” (02 February 2024): Where D. Bethel shares his thoughts on Godzilla Minus One Minus Color.
  • The Deep Nerd Zone” (12 April 2024): Where our hosts briefly discuss the JRPG throwback, Sea of Stars.




  • “Jack of All Trades Theme Song” by Joseph LoDuca, performed by Andrew Asplund and D. Bethel
The Full Kyrun

The Full Kyrun

THE STROMAN ARGUMENT: Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics and the 4 Tales Podcast joins D. Bethel for this week’s show and they talk a bit about some recent guests Kyrun has had on his podcast.

WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Kyrun dives into Alan Moore’s celebrated run on DC Comics’ Swamp Thing while D. Bethel is awestruck by Godzilla Minus One (though, technically, he watched Godzilla Minus One Minus Color).

Follow Kyrun on the following services:


(00:00) Intro – Welcome, Kyrun Silva!
(11:20) Kyrun’s Week in Geek: Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing
(21:10) D. Bethel’s Week in Geek: Godzilla Minus One Minus Color
(42:46) Outro – A Mini Con Artists
(46:25) Outtakes


  • Godzilla Fhtagn“: an essay about the 2014 American production, Godzilla, and its Lovecraftian overtones by D. Bethel.