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Tag: Disney

Posts related to Disney content (that isn’t Marvel or Star Wars).

The Soundness

The Soundness

A LESSON IN SURVIVAL: Our hosts are going to take it easy this week, but they’re stopping in for a quick look at what’s been drawing their attention. Andrew gets frustrated by the difficulty to be found in Green Hell while D. Bethel dips a toe into the wildly popular independent game, Vampire Survivors.



  • Where the Hands Touch” (13 January 2017): Where D. Bethel first discusses the video game documentary YouTube channel, Noclip.
  • It’s Always a Game” (8 February 2019): Where Andrew shares his impressions about Subnautica.



Smoke Time

Smoke Time

WEEK IN GEEK: Our hosts try to keep it short but, instead, keep it real as they talk about their respective Weeks in Geek. D. Bethel starts by talking about Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny before Andrew shares his thoughts about the first two episodes of the new Disney+ Star Wars show, Ahsoka. D. Bethel wraps it up with quick thoughts about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.


  • Our Best Work” (14 August 2014): Where D. Bethel shares his thoughts about the 2014 live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.


  • The tweet that started the joke Andrew and Dan make in this episode:



  • Audio from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) captured from D. Bethel’s personal collection.
Don’t Pull Out Your Deck

Don’t Pull Out Your Deck

ANDY’S STEAM DECK ADVENTURES: Andrew shares what it was like to actually take his handheld PC-device on the road (and what games he’s been playing).

BOMBING THE BOX OFFICE: This summer has been marked with a series of movies that had really big budgets and very low returns, and it’s a trend that seems to only be continuing. Our hosts talk through possible causes and possible futures of this distressing trajectory.



  • Space Man From Pluto” (30 June 2023): Where our hosts talk about studios’ use of AI as well as the financial struggles of streaming services.



Space Man From Pluto

Space Man From Pluto

SECRET INVASION…OF A.I.: Marvel seems to have hamstrung the release of its new Disney+ series, Secret Invasion, when viewers quickly noticed the apparent artlessness of the show’s opening credits and that they seemed to have used A.I. engines to create it instead of, you know, any of the artists it employs.

STIFLED PRODIGY: Paramount+ has been on a Star Trek kick for the last few years, but all might not be as rosy at it seems. Not only has it cancelled the all-ages-aimed animated series, Star Trek: Prodigy, it has also removed all the episodes from their proprietary streaming service––even though season 2 is wrapping production.

A BEAST OF A SURPRISE: D. Bethel takes a moment to discuss Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and how it pleasantly surprises in terms of actually being a good Transformers movie (who knew?).




  • “Unicron Medley” by Vince DiCola
Tentacles or Bust

Tentacles or Bust

WEEK IN GEEK: This week, our hosts dive deep into the video game pool as Andrew gets his caveman farming on with Soda Den’s Roots of Pacha while D. Bethel finds a lot of adventure and fun in the deeply Lovecraftian adventure puzzle game, Call of the Sea by Out of the Blue.


  • Your Cursor is My Prisoner” (19 February 2016): Where D. Bethel talks about another fun walking simulator, Firewatch.
  • Love the Stank” (30 December 2016): Where Andrew begins his long love affair with Stardew Valley.
  • Starting By Starting” (3 January 2020): Where D. Bethel plays a different––in many ways––Lovecraftian adventure game, The Sinking City.



Do the Laugh

Do the Laugh

OGL DISASTER REPORT: Andrew catches us up (briefly) on the ongoing Wizards of the Coast Open Game License drama.

WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Andrew realizes his dream tabletop game exists but spread across a television show and a video game as he discusses his first time through season 1 of The Walking Dead and his time with State of Decay 2. D. Bethel keeps the post-apocalyptic survival theme going as he finds a lot to enjoy in the premiere episode of HBO’s The Last of Us.





OUT OF THE WAY, PECK: After 34 years, Disney decided to create a sequel series to the Lucasfilm cult classic fantasy film, Willow, exclusively for Disney+. D. Bethel is a devout fan of that original film; Andrew couldn’t care less. So, they’re going into this series from two very different contexts, but come to very similar conclusions: it’s okay.


  • A Week for Days” (23 September 2022): Where our hosts discuss the first trailer for the Disney+ Willow series.
  • Tweets to Toots” (9 December 2022): Where our hosts discuss the first two episodes of the Disney+ Willow series.
  • Open Awesome License” (13 January 2023): Where Andrew broke down the controversy around the possible new Open Game License that Wizards of the Coast is working on.




  • “Money For Nothing” by Dire Straits excerpted
Tweets to Toots

Tweets to Toots

WHERE DID YOU GET THESE SEEDS?: Our hosts talk a bit about the first few episodes of the new Disney+ fantasy show, Willow, based on the Ron Howard-directed Lucasfilm movie from the mid-1980s.

WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Andrew watches the 2-season HBO series, Los Espookys, while D. Bethel gives his opening thoughts on Star Trek: Deep Space 9 after getting a good chunk into season 1.

Check out the preorder deal for D. Bethel’s new Long John book at!


  • Some Solid Copy” (14 August 2015): Where D. Bethel talks about Jon Stewart’s final episode of The Daily Show.
  • Love the Stank” (30 December 2016): Where D. Bethel listens to Trevor Noah’s autobiography, Born a Crime.
  • Relevant Irreverence” (17 May 2019): Where Andrew shares his experiences watching the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 documentary, What We Left Behind.
  • Land Your Runabout” (18 November 2022): Where our hosts discuss the premiere episode of Star Trek: Deep Space 9, “Emissary.”



A Jar of Soup

A Jar of Soup

BLOOMING WILLOW: D. Bethel takes a minute to share his excitement for the new Willow show on Disney+

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew gets surprised by the dark remake/sequel of Kamen Rider Black Sun while D. Bethel rides the ups and owns of Netflix’s Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities.

IN REMEMBRANCE: Our hosts take a moment to honor the sad and surprising deaths of Kevin Conroy––the inimitable voice of Bruce Wayne and Batman in Batman: The Animated Series and many works afterwards––and Jason David Frank, most well known as Tommy the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.


  • Films in Quarries” (18 June 2021): Where Andrew dips his toe into the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers pool.
  • Doctor Ennui” (27 August 2021): Where Andrew goes waist-deep into the Zyuranger pool.


  • Though not (legally) freely available, you can find the Batman comic written by Kevin Conroy (with art by J. Bone) in the DC Pride 2022 anthology published by DC Comics.





DOCTOR DISNEY: In a surprise announcement that went out after the airing of “The Power of the Doctor,” it was announced that Disney+ will be the exclusive streaming home of Doctor Who going forward, releasing to the service day and date of airing.

A FAMILY AFFAIR: Jodie Whittaker’s era as The Doctor in Doctor Who comes to a close with the 90-minute special, “The Power of the Doctor”, which also brought to a close the run of the controversial showrunner, Chris Chibnall. In an excited conversation, Andrew and D. Bethel discuss the expected and the surprising of this momentous episode of one of their favorite shows. Be warned that there are SPOILERS for the special in this conversation.

COMPANY’S COMIN’: Our hosts spend a brief moment to discuss the passing of Leslie Jordan, an actor whose work they are mostly familiar with during his quirky guest-starring role in the early ’00s legal dramedy, Boston Legal.


  • Smash Talks” (14 December 2018): Where our hosts reflect and analyze Jodie Whittaker’s premiere series as The Doctor.
  • Halloween Still” (01 October 2021): Where our hosts discuss the announcement of Russell T Davies’ return as showrunner to Doctor Who in 2023.
  • Almond Molina” (10 December 2021): Where our hosts discuss the final “full” (mini-)series with Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, Doctor Who: Flux.