Anime Antenna
CRISIS OF INFINITE CASTING NEWS: Seemingly every day since SDCC has brought news of former DC actors being cast in the big DC/CW crossover event, “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” Andrew and D. Bethel break down some of the headlines.
EPIC LETDOWN: In another look at gaming culture is a trash fire, D. and Andrew examine the extreme and toxic blowback that game developer, Glumberland, received from gamers when they announced that their upcoming game, Ooblets, would be exclusive on PC at the Epic Games Store.
- McGloin, Matt. “Mark Hamill Rumored For Crisis on Infinite Earths.” Cosmic Book News, 06 Aug. 2019.
- Shanley, Patrick. “Indie Game Developer Responds to ‘Horrendously Toxic’ Messages Following Epic Games Store Deal.” The Hollywood Reporter, 06 Aug. 2019.
- Wasser, Ben. “Regarding What’s Been Happening.” Medium. A Medium Corporation, 06 Aug. 2019.
- Episode 149 – “We Are Not Here” (08 Dec. 2017): Where the DC/CW crossover event, “Crisis on Earth X”, was discussed with Taylor Katcher.
- Guestcast 03 – “Muted Police Action” (07 Dec. 2018): Where Andrew and guest host, Taylor Katcher, discussed the previous DC/CW crossover event, “Elseworlds.”
- “Start With Doom” (26 July 2019): Where the first casting news about “Crisis on Infinite Earths” from SDCC 2019 was discussed.
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- “Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod
- “District Four” by Kevin McLeod
- Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)