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Nerd Intervention

Nerd Intervention

AN ACTUAL BAD WOLF: With the newest series/season of Doctor Who wrapped up, our hosts discuss what was new, interesting, and surprising about this new batch of episodes.

AJAB: Andrew reflects on the controversial new Star Wars show on Disney+, The Acolyte.


(00:00) Intro – Andrew breaks out on his own
(01:42) An impromptu discussion on late-stage social media
(07:40) Doctor Who recap
(09:20) A little love for Mel Bush
(13:38) Sutekh…really?!
(18:02) Highs and slightly less highs of the new season
(29:46) The Remembered TARDiS
(36:08) Outro – The Acolyte
(39:28) Outtakes


  • The Winter Donna” (8 December 2023): Where our hosts gleefully share their thoughts about the first of the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials, “The Star Beast.”
  • Pleasure Quotes” (22 December 2023): Where our hosts talk about the final two episodes of the 60th anniversary specials for Doctor Who.
  • Old Nudes” (17 May 2024): Where our hosts discuss the first two episodes of the new season of Doctor Who.



Active Talk Battle

Active Talk Battle

NEWS DRIVE-BY: At the outset of the show, our hosts breeze by a bunch of headlines from the week: Marvel vs. Capcom Collection, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, Adobe lawsuit, etc.

WEEK IN GEEK: After finally having a hands-on session, Andrew shares his thoughts on the ttjrpg, Fabula Ultima, while D. Bethel dives into the world of professional wrestling with The Iron Claw.


(00:00) Intro – A quick look at some news
(02:44) WiG: Andrew – Fabula Ultima
(14:14) WiG: D. – The Iron Claw
(24:48) Outro – Doctor Who
(26:41) Outtakes


  • Dating the Void” (23 April 2021): Where our hosts talk about some slight controversy with the release of a previous Ace Attorney collection, The Great Ace Attorney.
  • So Many Halves” (14 June 2024): Where Andrew shares his excitement for Fabula Ultima.