THE RULE OF RULES: Andrew shares his experience playing Fabula Ultima some more, and how it led to surprisingly divisive thoughts about how important––and, perhaps, necessary––the rules are of a tabletop RPG.
TOPICS: (00:00) Intro – Andrew and his mouse problem (03:43) Fabula Ultima and the importance of understanding (or misunderstanding?) TTRPG rules (43:50) Outro – Andrew’s impending birthday (47:19) Outtakes
“So Many Halves” (14 June 2024): Where Andrew gets excited to start playing Fabula Ultima.
“Active Talk Battle” (21 June 2024): Where remains excited after playing Fabula Ultima.
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TOUCHING MANY BUCKETS:Dungeons & Dragons is making waves with the announcement––and subsequent leak––of the update to its Open Game License, a system that is meant to lay out the relationship between Dungeons & Dragons and the content people create based on its game system. Based on the leaked information…it’s not going well. Thankfully, we have our nerd lawyer to walk us through the ins and outs of what is known so far.
The more I read it the less I like it There are a LOT of things in the leaked OGL1.1 document that have creators twisted but this is the one that really REALLY gets me.
PIXEL REMASTER REMARKS: The release of Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster is finally upon us and Andrew has a few––very short––thoughts about it.
DOCTOR WHAT?: It was announced that––despite an existing tabletop role-playing game existing––there would be a new Doctor Who roleplaying game based on the fifth edition (5E) of Dungeons and Dragons. And people have opinions.
We are delighted to announce that we are working on Doctors and Daleks – a new line of products that brings Doctor Who adventures to your table using 5th Edition rules! The first release – The Doctors and Daleks Player’s Guide will launch soon.
This is an important lesson everyone should be aware of.
When I first released my novels on Kindle, I'd get people every week saying "I refuse to give Amazon money! Where's the [weird e-reader I've never heard of] version?!
WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew dives into the world of JRPG job systems with Bravely Default 2, while D. Bethel finds more Metroid to love as he replays Batman: Arkham Asylum.
“Scotch Tape and Hope” (4 December 2015): Where D. Bethel discusses his love of the Batman: Arkham series of games, specifically Batman: Arkham Knight.
“Editing Is Magic” (13 July 2018): Where Andrew and D. Bethel discuss Chris Kohler’s book, Final Fantasy V.
“Ghost Games” (15 October 2021): Where D. Bethel shares his initial thoughts about Metroid Dread.
A comparison video showing the original Boba Fett voice and the revision that included Temuera Morrison’s redubbing:
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WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Andrew enthusiastically plays the 2nd edition of Pathfinder, despite not fully enjoying the first edition, while D. Bethel gets really excited to play an adventure game based on one of his favorite comics, Blacksad, but gets horribly disappointed by Blacksad: Under the Skin.
“The Volumometer Incident” (10 July 2014): Where Andrew shares his experience playing the Pathfinder card game.
“Starting By Starting” (03 January 2020): Where D. Bethel discusses the noir adventure game inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, Frogwares’ The Sinking City.
“Nature’s Velcro” (03 July 2020): Where Andrew plays the computer RPG, Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
WEEK IN GEEK: We start with Andrew getting a bit sick while trying to play multiple versions of Minecraft before D. Bethel gets charmed by the grimdark world of the 2017 NetherRealm hit, Injustice 2, and then rounding back to Andrew as he talks about Rodney Thompson’s heist RPG in a box, Dusk City Outlaws.
Shortcast 16 – Nostalgia Mining : Where D. Bethel discusses what went wrong (for him) about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows.
Shortcast 43 – The # Age : Where Andrew talks about the rise of narrative-focused board games with Gloomhaven.
Visit our website at and leave your thoughts as comments on the page for this episode.
I recently mentioned that I had been watching Geek & Sundry’s Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana. Besides being a very well produced “watch people play RPGs” show, it’s also a very good illustration of the Fantasy AGE role-playing game system. What I find really impressive about that the Fantasy AGE RPG did not exist until Titansgrave. As I mentioned in the podcast, the game was based heavily on the Dragon AGE RPG published by Green Ronin Publishing, which was (of course) based on the very popular video game by Bioware. I did not spend a lot of time talking about what Fantasy AGE brings to the table during the podcast. Instead, I thought I would take a moment and do that here.
From the cover of Fantasy AGE, where bad ass women engage in battle with big ugly monsters.
Although there have always been other rule sets distinct from Dungeons & Dragons, including those of Palladium Books and Steve Jackson’s GURPS, it is safe to say that various versions of D&D have always dominated the market. This began to change in 2001, and the proliferation of RPG systems has become sort of a defining aspect of this era of tabletop role-playing. The creation of the “Open Game License” created the widely accepted notion that it was okay for third parties to develop content for existing RPG systems. Some companies even started flirting with the idea of developing their own derivative rule systems for gaming. The alledged “fall of D&D” with the release of D&D Fourth Edition and the resulting “Edition Wars” opened the door even farther. Suddenly, companies like Paizo, Goodman Games, and Green Ronin were able to penetrate the market and find their own space.
The Stunts of Fantasy AGE
After watching the entire season of Titansgrave, what I took away from the Fantasy AGE system was that it brought something new and different to the table. What I really liked was the stunt system. Using similar mechanics as the Dragon AGE RPG, it inserts opportunities for the spectacular into every die roll. D&D players are familiar with the idea of “critical successes,” in which the player rolls a 20 on the 20-sided die which results in a novel effect. Fantasy AGE kind of captures that feeling with “stunts,” in which any time doubles are rolled (out of three dice), the player gets “stunt points” to spend on cool things. When you consider that nearly 45% of all rolls of three six sided dice contain at least two matching dice, this means that the prospect of using stunt points can happen with some regularity. Suddenly, it starts to feel like your player characters can do awesome stuff like you see on the cover of every RPG rulebook. That’s a neat feeling that nearly every combat-heavy tabletop RPG has tried to address for years.
You want to cast a spell while jumping up to the face of a big ass giant? That’s what a stunt is!
The Characters of Fantasy AGE
How the players build their characters is always a fundamental part of any tabletop role-playing game. In part due to its basis on the originalDragon Age: Origins, Fantasy AGE take a slightly different approach to characters and classes than your typical tabletop RPG. Although it is a class-based system, it draws that spectrum down to only three: Warrior, Rogue, and Mage. However, these basic classes get differentiated by abilities, specializations, and other options. For those who watched Titansgrave, it’s worth mentioning that Aankia and Kiliel were both rogues, but that isn’t immediately apparent to the viewer. As somebody who has sat at a table of Dungeons & Dragons and felt like the two fighters at the table were only distinguishable on the basis of the players, it’s nice to see a system that tries to create mechanical distinctions between different characters.
You probably didn’t think so, but this is a mage.
One thing I’ve seen when poking around Fantasy AGE-themed webpages is the ease with which players are adding their own content to the character system. New types of magic, new specializations, and other character options add further depth to the game. I’ve even see one online game master adapt the original Dragon Age RPG system into a Star Wars game. It appears that the relatively straightforward specialization system allows people to throw together a new variant that further expands the depth of field.
The Flexibility of Fantasy AGE
One of my greatest weaknesses as a tabletop RPG player is that I am never content with existing settings as provided. More often than not, I decide that the setting is too restrictive or somehow doesn’t meet my interests. Generally, this means I’ve always been attracted to “generic” role-playing game systems. Of course, as I get older, I learn to disregard things that I don’t like, but I still retain a soft spot for games designed to give you serious freedom of setting. And Fantasy AGE does that.
A very young me was an enormous fan of whatever was going on here.
If it’s not clear, the Fantasy AGE presented in the rulebook is a generic fantasy setting. Sword and sorcery stuff, mostly. Titansgrave, on the other hand, is different. It’s that weird “sci-fi meets fantasy” Thundarr the Barbarian thing. Beyond that, the Fantasy AGE rulebook provides guidance on black powder weapons, providing the mechanical underpinnings of an Age of Sail game. At the end of the day, the game provides some basic rules for interaction, battle, and other gameplay and then lets the player’s imagination do the driving.
Bringing Something New to the Genre
I haven’t played Fantasy AGE yet, so everything I’m saying should probably be taken with a grain of salt. But, having played a lot of different tabletop RPG systems, I really like that this one brought something new to the table. It comes across as very free-form, allowing players to do what they want to do, while still providing something with a little bit of weight. Character options are wide and flexible while still giving players interesting development choices to make. Stunts give players a way to do cool and interesting things besides just “roll to hit.” I’m excited to try throwing the game into my normal rotation of tabletop RPG systems.
Another week, another Shortcast! This time, the boys are back with a brand new, video game infused Week in Geek.
Week in Geek: Andrew plays Wild Arms 3 while Dan plays Fallout 4 and they ruminate on the state of RPGs both at the start of the new millennium and now sixteen years deep into it.
Leave your feedback to these topics as comments at Also be sure to join the conversations happening at the official Facebook page. You can e-mail the show at forallpod [at]
For all intents and purposes, that was a Shortcast recap.
Week in Geek: Andrew spends some time in Portland, Oregon and hangs out at one of its popular gamer bars, Ground Control. Dan reads Marvel’s 2014 mini-series, Deadpool vs. X-Force and really enjoys some clever meta-retcon that happens.
Narrative Bifurcation: Dan and Andrew discuss some of the possibilities brought on by Nintendo’s very interesting release of Fire Emblem Fate, which is actually two full-priced releases, Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. Even then, the ostensible ending is only available via paid-DLC (titled Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation). It’s a dangerous tactic, but can be used for good as well.
Bye Bye Bioware: Over the last few years, major players at famed video game developer, Bioware, have been hemorrhaging from the company at a surprising rate. However, is it the sign of doom some people are predicting?
Leave a comment about this week’s show at, or at the official Facebook or Google+ pages. You may also e-mail the show at forallpod [at] If you would like to help the show out, the best way to do so would be to leave a review on iTunes.
For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.
–Radio Times‘ exclusive trailer for the upcoming Big Finish Doctor Who audio dramas featuring David Tennant and Catherine Tate as the 10th Doctor and Donna Noble.
Featured Music:
-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“Two Of Us” by The Beatles
-“The Citadel” by Richard Jacques, Jack Wall, and Sam Hulick
-“Rockin’ Robin” by Bobby Day
The guys are back and push it to 11! Because Dan lives in Sacramento, and it is summer, you’ll hear his floor fan humming along throughout the episode––you’ve been warned! In a very energetic episode, Andrew and Dan discuss the following:
Week in Geek: Andrew continues to play X-Com, but not before also playing some 13th Age. Dan plays the demo for Valiant Hearts and nearly cries while doing so.
Andrew Objects: Breaking into our regularly scheduled Boasts of Bethel, Andrew addresses the idea that your role-playing game is better (or worse) than anybody elses…and why that might be a problem.
Nerd Debate: Dan sees Transformers: Age of Extinction which gets the guys to ponder the role of 80s nostalgia in popular culture. Then Dan tells Michael Bay how to make Transformers movies.
Games That Matter: Andrew and Dan discuss the importance and impact of Konami’s (more appropriately, Hideo Kojima’s) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
Last Call: After reviewing listener responses to last week’s question, Dan and Andrew get into a semantic debate, which must be resolved by you:
Which term is most appropriate to describe our culture: nerd or geek (other?)? Why?
Leave a comment on the episode’s post at, or on either Dan or Andrew’s Facebook/Google+/Twitter posts, leave a comment on iTunes, or email us at forallpod [at]
Until next week, for all intents and purposes, this is an episode breakdown.