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Tag: Conventions

Posts related to major geeky/nerdy conventions.

Episode 119 – Too Much Content

Episode 119 – Too Much Content

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew plays Overcooked! with Taylor Katcher while Dan watches Crazyhead on Netflix.

PHOENIX FALLING?: The Phoenix Comicon has come under scrutiny recently as it became public that, essentially, people would have to pay to be volunteers at the show by paying dues to become members of the Blue Ribbon Army Social Club. Dan and Andrew discuss the issues surrounding this controversy, such as “Why is this a controversy at all?”


UPDATE: Square Egg CEO and Phoenix Comicon director, Matthew Solberg, has resigned his position on the board of the Blue Ribbon Army.

MINDING THE NUMBERS: In Bleeding Cool article covering December’s comic book sales numbers, Andrew and Dan dive deep into 2016 sales by Marvel and DC and compare their respective performances and draw some interesting (if very not scientific) conclusions from the data.

D. Bethel’s Exhaustive Data Collection

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“Nerd Law” by D. Bethel
-“Bleeding Me” by Metallica

Episode 92 – The Microbox

Episode 92 – The Microbox

Week in Geek: Andrew attends Emerald City Comic Con while Dan attends the Sacramento Indie Arcade Gaming Expo.

The New Strange: The teaser trailer for the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise, Dr. Strange, was released to the world this week adding to the already high anticipation. Can Benedict Cumberbatch bring a classic Marvel character to life?

Hard Games: With Dark Souls III finally being released stateside this week, Dan and Andrew sit and talk about the trend toward very hard video games. Where does it come from? Why do we like this kind of punishment?

Leave your thoughts on this week’s topics as a comment at Be sure to join our official Facebook and Google+ pages for conversations. E-mail the show with any questions or comments at forallpod [at] Help the show out by leaving a review on the iTunes store.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“At the Mountains of Madness” animated short by The SpookySpookyShoggoths.
-“After 15 Years of Disappointment, Can Final Fantasy Be Great Again?” An interview with Final Fantasy XV director, Hajime Tabata by John Robertson (via arstechnica).
Skirmish Entertainment, a Sacramento indie developer whose game, End of the Mine, was at the Sacramento Indie Arcade Gaming Expo.
Rocktastic Games, a San Francisco Bay-area developer whose game, Rogue Continuum, was featured at the Sacramento Indie Arcade Gaming Expo.

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“People are Strange” by Echo and the Bunnymen
-“Still Alive” by Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories (from Portal)
-“Taxman” by Stevie Ray Vaughan

Episode 63 – Just a Quel

Episode 63 – Just a Quel

This week we talk about last week’s PAX Prime event! We even had a man in the field. His name is Andrew.

Week in Geek: Andrew hosts trivia with the 12th source for all nerdy and geeky news and discussion podcast, Nerdhole (check out their website for some terrific PAX Prime 2015 coverage), while Dan gets emotional and nostalgic as he watched a father play through the Oculus Rift Apollo Moon Landing demo.

PAX Prime 2015 News: Some announcements were made and news was had at this year’s event. Dan and Andrew go through the things that piqued their interests.

PAX and Nerd Conventions: Andrew and Dan go over how PAX fits into the convention circuit that dominates the nerd world right now, what conventions mean––how those meanings have changed over time––and what it means for nerds in the future.

PAX Megagames: Andrew gets a chance to hop the velvet rope and actually work for a megagame at PAX, and they discuss the differences due to his role, where it took place, and how the game played.

Question of the Geek:

Did you like the 2005 Battlestar Galactica reboot? If so, how did it get its hooks into you? If not, why did you dislike it?

We also talked about the financial returns of the great Atari E.T. dig, and Dan will be at Sacramento’s Art Mix | Crocker-Con event on September 10th. Get details (and tickets) here.

You can leave a comment at the page for this episode at Be sure to join the official Facebook and Google+ pages. Any questions, comments, or concerns can be e-mailed to us at forallpod [at] gmail [dot] com. Leave a review of the show at the iTunes store to help spread the word.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-“Slow Brood” by Andrew Hale & Simon Hale (from L.A. Noire)

-“Orion” by The Scorched Earth Orchestra (Metallica cover)

-“Mega Man 3 – Selection Theme” by Yasuaki Fujita (aka Bunbun)

-“Watch the Skies” by Jeremy Soule (from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)

Episode 16 – Of Underwear Models & Wayward Sons

Episode 16 – Of Underwear Models & Wayward Sons

A new episode of For All Intents and Purposes is here in true episodic fashion! Though PAX may be done and no huge events seem to be around the corner, it’s back to business as usual.

The Week in Geek: Andrew plays the Battlestar Galactica board game and actually keeps his friends this time, while Dan watches Academy Award-nominated animated short films––specifically, “Adam and Dog” by Minkyu Lee. Also, Dan will be an exhibitor at this year’s Crocker-Con in Sacramento at the Crocker Art Museum. It happens on Thursday, 11 September, from 5-9pm. Be there!

Boasts of Bethel: Close-reading the second episode of Doctor Who‘s 8th series, “Into the Dalek,” Dan investigates the most prominent question on Whovians’ minds: Is Clara actually a good English teacher?

Discussion: Since Dan started watching Supernatural this week, he remembers the good old days of episodic nerdy drama and he and Andrew ponder why so much television has become serialized and whether it has helped or hurt the medium.

Love the Craft: Andrew and Dan look at another story by H. P. Lovecraft. This time, it’s one Andrew hasn’t read before, an exciting, frightening, and…funny (?) short called, “The Hound.”

Question: Hot off the presses of Apple’s press conference and their announcement of the Apple Watch, Dan and Andrew wonder:

What are your thoughts on the rise of “smart”, on-your-body peripherals for your phones?

Leave your answers on the page for this episode at, or join and leave a comment at the For All Intents and Purposes Facebook and/or Google+ pages. You may also send us your answers, questions, or comments at

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Episode 15 – Yes and Yes and No and No

Episode 15 – Yes and Yes and No and No

It’s time for PAX coverage with Dan and Andrew (mostly Andrew)! But before we get to PAX goodness, we must first get down to business.

Week in Geek: For All Intents and Purposes now has an official Facebook page and an official Google+ page! Join them for regular updates, links, and interesting discussion. Meanwhile, Dan watches a documentary about a movie that was never made––Jodorowsky’s Dune––and, guess what, Andrew goes to PAX Prime.

Andrew Interviews: Andrew interviews Luke and Nicole from both Across The Board and Nerdy to talk about PAX! An intriguing interview spread across two parts that has them discuss everything from video games, to tabletop games, to diversity in gaming! The interview is broken up with:

Discussion: Andrew and Dan discuss a recent study that shows that 92% of PC games purchased this year were digital. They discuss this physical-media-less trend and what it means and its benefits and deficits.

Question: After discussing what they found most intriguing about this year’s PAX Prime, they prance into a more light-hearted affair to ask:

What is a cartoon/animated show you feel deserves a second look?

Leave your responses and/or comments at this episode’s post at, or feel free to send your responses, comments, or inquiries to Also, be sure to join our official Facebook and Google+ pages to stay up to date with updates, links to interesting articles and websites, and join in on the episode’s discussion.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Music from this Episode:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-“Space Cruise (Title)” by Ben Prunty (from FTL: Faster Than Light (Official Soundtrack))

-“Into the Wilderness” by Michiko Naruke (from Wild Arms)

-“I Giorni Dell’ira (Days of Anger)” by Riz Ortolani (from Django Unchained)

-“You’re the Best” by Joe Esposito (from The Karate Kid)