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Tag: comics

Shortcast 47 – The Finest in Lottery Scratcher Technology

Shortcast 47 – The Finest in Lottery Scratcher Technology

WEEK IN GEEK: After weeks away, Andrew and D. Bethel return to talking about the geeky stuff they’ve done in the last week. Andrew plays Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 and is much surprised considering his views on the first game. D. Bethel dives into a different kind of legacy by looking at the first volume of All-New Wolverine as Laura Kinney (formerly X-23) takes the mantle of “Wolverine” from her (at the time) deceased…uh…father? Brother? Twin? Whatever. #comics

Also––a News Blast breaking story about All-New Wolverine and its cancellation announcement made this week.




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 46 – Wakandan Skip Fires

Shortcast 46 – Wakandan Skip Fires

BLACK PANTHER: Andrew and D. have both finally seen the newest Marvel Cinematic entry, Black Panther, and dive into the aspects of the movie that stood out for them, especially with respect to nerd culture, pop culture, and culture at large. This conversation does discuss SPOILERS for the film, so consider yourself duly warned.


  • Trevor Noah talks about African accents in Black Panther with Chadwick Boseman on The Daily Show (bookmarked for that specific topic, but watch the whole interview):

  • Trevor Noah in The Daily Show‘s “Between the Scenes” segment where he talks about Black Panther:


  • Waypoint 101: Black Panther.Waypoint. VICE Media, 28 Feb. 2018. – Podcast where the staff of VICE’s Waypoint have a thoughtful look at Black Panther. (Warning: Contains SPOILERS.)




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 43 – The # Age

Shortcast 43 – The # Age

WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Andrew and D. start with a little Black Panther talk––friend of the show, Kyrun Silva, went on Good Day Sacramento to talk about what the character has meant to him as an independent comic creator––before Andrew discusses the complex but fun fantasy board game, Gloomhaven, while Dan watches the short but effective AMC comic book documentary series, Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comics.



  • Check out the website for Gloomhaven‘s developer, Cephalofair (the company name for Isaac Childres), and scroll down to see all the writing he has done about the process of making the game.


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 40 – Shortcast Your Mom

Shortcast 40 – Shortcast Your Mom

WEEK IN GEEK – COMIC BOOK TV SHOW EDITION: Andrew tunes in to the CW’s newest superhero premiere––Black Lightning––while D. Bethel looks back at the first season of Fox’s The Gifted. SPOILER WARNING




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Episode 152 – My Own Finger

Episode 152 – My Own Finger

WEEK IN GEEK: Having missed last week’s Week in Geek, Andrew and D. Bethel decide to…skip it again so they can spend as much time with––

THE STATE OF THE DCEU-NION: Returning to the show is the resident DC expert, Taylor Katcher, to talk about 2017 in DC––movies, tv, and comics.




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 39 – Holidaycast 01

Shortcast 39 – Holidaycast 01

WEEK IN GEEK: To ring in the holidays, Andrew and D. Bethel take the time to bring you another Week in Geek Shortcast. This week, Andrew plays Greenheart Games’ Game Dev Tycoon on iOS (after having previously played it on Steam), while D. talks about the interesting time-travel, existential narrative of the Jean Grey limited series from Marvel.



  • The new Dan & Rusty Video Game Power Hour that went up this week, featuring Deadpool (kind of, not really) and Battle Chasers.


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“District Four” by Kevin McLeod (*
-“Disco Medusae” by Kevin McLeod (*
*Tracks are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shortcast 36 – Caca Fats

Shortcast 36 – Caca Fats

THE STATE OF SUPERHERO CINEMA (AND TV): With so much superheroic media out there right now, and with Marvel, DC, and Fox swinging wildly on both the large and small screens, Andrew and D. Bethel take a look at how things are sorting out, how they’ve changed over the last year or so, and where things might go.




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Thunder Busters” by Wax Audio

Shortcast 33 – National Character Counts

Shortcast 33 – National Character Counts

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew plays the expansive new Star Trek board game by Gale Force Nine Games, Star Trek: Ascendancy, while D. gets knee-deep into the sequel to the short-lived, but beloved, comic book series, Battle Chasers. However, the sequel is a video game, not a comic, in Battle Chasers: NightWar by Airship Syndicate. (Full Disclosure: D. was a backer on the Battle Chasers: NightWar Kickstarter campaign.)

And here is the promised narrative summary of the game of Star Trek: Ascendancy that Andrew played, written by Tim Saito:

In the Romulan capital city, on the planet Romulus, Praetor Nat’al looks out across the sea of screaming and crying faces. “Riov Lovok, what happened?”

“It’s the war sir.  I believe we have lost it,” replied Riov Lovok.

“How?  And why are all those people screaming and crying?”

“It’s the parents of the children.  All the parents of ALL the children,” said Lovok as she lowered her head.

“What was done to our children!?”

“It was the Ferengi, sir. They sold a toy to a few of the children last week. The following day they sold more, but at a higher price. Since then, each day the price goes higher and higher and fewer and fewer are available. Something called a Tamagotchi. Now all the children want one and all the parents are desperate. Order is falling away and there are riots in the streets as roving mobs of parents search out the elusive Tamagotchi.”

“The Ferengi?”

“Yes, Preator. Word has come through that the Federation has fallen to the Ferengi as well, to something called a Tickle Me Elmo.”

“We underestimated these Ferengi.”

“Yes. The Cardassians have also submitted their surrender to the Grand Nagus on Ferenginar. They were destroyed by something called a Furby.”

“We will mount an attack. Launch a fleet of ships and attack Ferenginar under cloak. They won’t see it coming and we will take their home world from them!”

“It’s too late,” said Riov Lovok as she pulled her disruptor from its holster. “I was promised TWO Elmos, four Furbys, and five Tamagotchis IF I delivered you to the Ferengi.”


  • Episode 40 – “Vowel Movement”: Where Andrew discusses playing the board game, Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem, a previous game made by Gale Force Nine Games. Ironically, Episode 40’s discussion topic is about sequels that come years after the original entry, and this week D. talks about playing Battle Chasers: Nightwar, and ostensible sequel to the comic series that ended in 2001.
  • Episode 128 – “His Curry Name”: Where D. Bethel talks about reading the series rebooting Jim Lee’s ’90s Wildstorm continuity with The Wild Storm by Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt.


  • News Blast: Star Trek Fan Films: Where Andrew discusses the legal ramifications of CBS/Paramount coming down on the large community of Star Trek fan films.


For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

Shortcast 31 – The Secret Was the Clap

Shortcast 31 – The Secret Was the Clap

WEEK IN GEEK: D. Bethel doubles up this time to talk about a personally exciting moment he experienced while at this year’s Alternative Press Expo in San Jose, CA, as well as seeing the new cinematic version of (half of) the Stephen King classic, It, while Andrew discusses playing SteamWorld Heist.

D. Bethel’s comprehensive recap of his time at APE 2017:



For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Thunder Busters” by Wax Audio

Episode 144 – Commodore Chew-Town

Episode 144 – Commodore Chew-Town

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew dives into Paizo’s newest RPG, Starfinder (starts at 2:34), while D. Bethel checks out the premier episode of Disney XD’s reboot of DuckTales (19:46).

REAL MONSTERS: (30:45) Dan and Andrew just hang back and have a conversation rather than a guided discourse about Nazis in popular culture. They go all over the place, but hover around the topic of how (and why) they’re used in fiction.




For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“Bad Man” by The Coral
-“Fanfare” by Nobuo Uematsu (from Final Fantasy VI)