Episode 50 – Down Comes the Castle

Episode 50 – Down Comes the Castle

Welcome to EPISODE 50! This week it’s all about nostalgia with a dash of navel-gazing.

Week in Geek: Andrew finally watches a Hayao Miyazaki film, Castle in the Sky, while Dan geeks out over Mad Max: Fury Road.

#WheresNatasha: Revisiting an earlier topic, a recent e-mail leak revealed studio heads discussing why a female-led superhero movie won’t work based on terrible (in every sense of the word) evidence. Dan and Andrew discuss the implications of this information.

Doctor Who Nostalgia: In the interest of nostalgia, Andrew and Dan discuss how Doctor Who has appreciated itself (that sounded better in my head) over the years, specifically with its anniversary specials. Plus, Dan and Andrew come up with a great idea for the next one.

Final Fantasy V: If this is an episode about nostalgia, you had better believe Andrew and Dan are going to talk about Final Fantasy. This time they cover the final 16-bit game (which they haven’t yet covered), the fifth one.

Question of the Geek:

What piece of nerd culture are you most nostalgic for?

Leave your answer as a comment on the page for this episode at forall.libsyn.com. You may also answer, and join in the conversations, at the official Facebook and Google+ pages. You may also e-mail the show with any questions, comments, or concerns at forallpod [at] gmail.com. 

For all intents and purposes, that was a fiftieth episode recap.

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-“The Princes of the Universe” by Queen

-“One Chance” by Eric Clapton

-“I Am the Doctor” by Jon Pertwee

-“Dear Friends” by Nobuo Uematsu with the Royal Stockholm Orchestra (from Distant Worlds II: More Music from Final Fantasy)

-“We’ve Only Just Begun” by The Carpenters

-“I’ll Make a Man Out of You” by Donny Osmond (from Mulan)

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