A Podcast Anniversary [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes
Today marks seven full years since the very first episode went live. Thank you all for listening and supporting the show. We pretend we’re your 14th source for all nerdy and geeky news and discussion, but it’s ultimately just a show where two old friends talk about the stuff they like and we’re consistently surprised by how many people like hearing that as well. Thank you again to all who listen and a BIG thank you to all of the friends of the show that have helped us along the way, including: Taylor, Kyrun, AndrĂ©, Jason, Mary, Jesse, Jake, Luke, Nicole, The Nerdhole, Jacqueline, Josh, and many others we are surely forgetting. Again, thank you.
So, with that out of the way we’re going to get back to making our weekly content for you all to enjoy. With that said, for all intents and purposes, that was a podcast anniversary.