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News Blast: Lovecraft-Based TV Show In Development

News Blast: Lovecraft-Based TV Show In Development

A sneaky bit of news hit the internet recently when word got out that Legendary Entertainment was developing an anthology television show based on the works of cosmic horror writer, H. P. Lovecraft.


According to Bleeding Cool and Dread Central, not much is known as only a pilot script exists, to be used to shop around to networks at the moment. The pilot is written by Matthew Francis Wilson––who, based on my research, may have previously gone by M. Francis Wilson, is a newcomer to television writing and it is unknown whether he pitched the show or was hired to write it.

Aside from the Lovecraft brand itself, the producers of the series bring the most clout to the project. Lorenzo Di Bonaventura––who was the tip of the spear when it came to developing the Michael Bay-helmed Transformers series––and Dan McDermott––a screenwriter and producer who seems to have worked on mostly short-lived but interesting television shows.

Legendary Entertainment has made quite a mark as being a rather prominent producer of successful, if not critically consistent, genre films. Big hits for the relatively new studio––established in 2000––300, The Hangover, Inception, Pacific Rim, Man of Steel, Crimson Peak, WarCraft, Gareth Edward’s Godzilla, Jurassic World, Straight Outta Compton, and basically all Christopher Nolan movies since Batman Begins.

Their expansion into television is relatively new, but rather high profile with the Netflix exclusive, Love, having garnered a bit of attention on its initial release, as well as the SyFy adaptation of the beloved James S. A. Corey book series, The Expanse, which friends-of-the-show, Nerdhole, discussed in-depth recently, and Colony, created by LOST writer, Carlton Cuse, for USA Network. The latter two debuted this year and are renewed for second seasons.

Probably the most faithful HPL adaptation made so far, and it's a silent movie. source:
Probably the most faithful HPL adaptation made so far, and it’s a silent movie. source:

So, while to some the credentials (or lack thereof) of those directly involved with this new series may seem troubling or make a fan circumspect, Legendary itself has a respectable track record on television even if they are rather new to the medium.

The show seems peculiar because, as sources described, it is unclear whether these will be adaptations of Lovecraft stories or new stories leaning on the Lovecraft stories. Bleeding Cool described the show as including “characters, locations and story-lines from sixteen of Lovecraft’s most popular tales” while Dread Central says the show will “feature characters, narratives, and locations from sixteen of the late American author’s titles.” Both sources cite that the show will specifically draw from “The Call of Cthulhu“, “The Dunwich Horror“, and “The Shadow Over Innsmouth.” Since H. P. Lovecraft had published over fifty stories in his lifetime and collaborated on almost another fifty with friends and as a ghost writer, there is no shortage of material to draw from.

While this is the first time a show has been explicitly based on Lovecraft’s work, the father of cosmic horror is no stranger to television. His stories have been adapted to varying degrees of faithfulness on horror anthology shows, with Rod Serling’s Night Gallery being the most prominent adapter. In most cases, Lovecraft’s work served as direct or indirect inspiration for stories and series. From the 1991 HBO noir movie, Cast a Deadly Spell to an episode of The Real Ghostbusters titled, “The Collect Call of Cthulhu”, Lovecraft’s creatures and themes have often served as a great starting point for new stories rather than go through the difficulty of adapting his somewhat anachronistic and often problematic work directly. Lovecraft himself even appeared in the season six episode of Supernatural, “Let It Bleed.”Adapting Lovecraft’s work until now has been a particular tough nut to crack. Most famously, Guillermo Del Toro tried for years to get his version of “At the Mountains of Madness” off the ground, only to have funding pulled out from under him for creative and monetary differences. The closest and, perhaps, most successful adaptations come in the form of the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society’s (HPLHS) cinematic adaptations and their full cast audio drama adaptations of his stories.

For years, Guillermo Del Toro has tried and failed to adapt the late-era mythos story, "At the Mountains of Madness." source:
For years, Guillermo Del Toro has tried and failed to adapt the late-era mythos story, “At the Mountains of Madness.” source:

The main aspect of Lovecraft that seems to clear the hurdle from page to screen are his monsters, which arguably hopscotches what his stories are actually about. While his creatures indeed played an integral part to many of his stories, they were rarely about the monsters, but rather the existential dread they represented.

Which type of Lovecraftian adaptation we’ll see on screen––either monster stories, pessimistic existential epistolary narratives, or something in between––remains to be seen. Either way, there hasn’t really been a Lovecraftian tv show or movie that has really appeased the devoted fan base as well as broke through to mainstream appreciation. With luck, this new series, if picked up by a network, can bring what so many people love about his stories and mythology to a new, broader audience.

Episode 100, Part 1 – Missing the Middle

Episode 100, Part 1 – Missing the Middle

We’re finally here! Episode 100! Kind of. Mostly. Half, at least. But still a full episode. You’ll find out when you listen.


WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew went back to Watch the Skies megagame with a new, interesting twist this time around and relays his experiences while D. Bethel started watching the now-cancelled show, Penny Dreadful. Also, bonus outtakes!

A LITTLE CLASSIC: Nintendo dropped an out-of-nowhere announcement recently with the reveal of the Nintendo Classic, an 30-in-one plug-and-play NES that ignited a lot of people’s interest and nostalgia.

RADIO KILLED THE VIDEO STAR: Dan and Andrew address the rise of audio dramas from their apparent graves with the rise of nerd culture and podcasting and discuss why they are actually adapting to new media and digital consumer habits.

Check out regular articles and old episodes and leave your thoughts at Be sure to join the official Facebook and Google+ pages to get regular updates and for links and meeting up with other listeners. Also, be sure to leave a review of the show on the iTunes store.

For all intents and purposes, that was the recap of the first part of episode 100!


-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“Save Music” by Nobuo Uematsu (from Final Fantasy)
-“Radio/Video” by System of a Down
-“The Final Countdown” by Europe
*also features game over music from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Episode 95 – Rural Judicial Sriracha

Episode 95 – Rural Judicial Sriracha

Week in Geek: Andrew watches Ant-Man while Dan gets scared playing Alien: Isolation. Also is a talk about Jessica Jones.

Friendly Fire: With the imminent release of Captain America: Civil War, Dan and Andrew discuss why fans get so jazzed about seeing superheroes punch each other, often more than punching bad guys.

Leave a comment at Be sure to join the official Facebook page for links and join in on conversations with other fans. E-mail us with any questions, comments, or concerns at forallpod [at] Help spread the word by leaving a review at the official iTunes store page.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“Superhero Smackdowns: Why We Love to See Caped Crusaders Fight Each Other” by Noah Berlatsky (via The Guardian).
-“Why Are All the Superheroes Fighting Each Other Right Now? Daredevil vs. Punisher, Batman vs. Superman, & Captain America: Civil War” by Meghan O’Keefe (via Decider).

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio”
-“Iron Man” by Brian Tyler (from Iron Man 3)
-“Captain America March” by Alan Silvestri (from Captain America: The First Avenger)

Episode 94 – The Garbleflangers

Episode 94 – The Garbleflangers

Week in Geek: Andrew plays The Dice Must Flow while Dan talks about responding to nerds who write term papers.

Bill and Pete’s Excellent Adventure: The 12th Doctor’s new companion, Bill, was introduced to the world last weekend and Dan and Andrew talk more about how the announcement was made more than about the companion herself, if only because that’s all the information we have.

Digital Board Games: As Andrew tries to liquidate his enviable stock of board games, he contemplates the purpose of buying more boxes for new games since their digital versions are so readily available––and so easily playable.

Share your thoughts on this week’s topics as a comment at For exclusive content, be sure to join our official Facebook page. Email the show at forallpod [at] Support the show by leaving a comment on the iTunes store page. Their algorithms will help spread the word of the show.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.


-“‘Star Trek’ Lawsuit: The Debate Over Klingon Language Heats Up” by Eriq Gardner (via The Hollywood Reporter)
Celebrates ‘Alien Day’ by Releasing Ellen Ripley-Inspired Shoes Just for Men
” by John Marcotte (via Heroic Girls)
-“The Sound of Crushing Silence: A Death-Metal Band Covers John Cage’s ‘4’33’” by Lars Gotrich (via NPR)

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“I Am the Doctor” by Jon Pertwee
-“The Sentinels of the Multiverse (Main Theme)” by Jean-Marc Giffin
-“Iron Man 3” by Brian Tyler

Episode 93 – The Clay Man Incident

Episode 93 – The Clay Man Incident

NOTE: There were some technical difficulties that occurred during the recording of the opening segment which caused some of the audio quality to be compromised. The remainder of the episode meets our normal standards of audio fidelity. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Week in Geek: Andrew plays Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes while Dan plays a Free-to-Play game, finally watches Ant-Man, and discusses re-watching Event Horizon.

Whitewashing: With the release of a photo of Scareltt Johansenn in costume to celebrate the start of filming of the Hollywood live-action adaptation of the venerated manga/anime, Ghost in the Shell, a lot of controversy across the internet among nerds and socially conscious people alike discussed the idea of whitewashing in media adapted from other cultures.

Leave a comment about the topics discussed in this episode at Join the official Facebook page for exclusive links and conversation with other listeners. E-mail the show at forallpod [at] If you like the show, rate it on the iTunes store to help spread the word.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Interesting Links:

-“Orientalism, Whitewashing, and Erasure: Hollywood’s Historic Problem with Asian People” by Jessica Lachenal (via theMarySue)

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ In Black” by Wax Audio
-“The Ghost Inside” by Broken Bells
-“When Doves Cry” by Prince (RIP)

-Clip from Animaniacs

Episode 89 – High-Five Forever

Episode 89 – High-Five Forever

Week in Geek: Andrew burns through Daredevil season 2 and lives to tell the tale, while Dan reads the Lovecraftian novella, The Ballad of Black Tom, by Victor LaValle.

BvS:DoJ: Since neither Dan nor Andrew have seen the newest superhero effort by Warner Bros. and DC Comics, the talk around the imminent release of the movie has been heated and divisive. They talk about the suppositions, biases, and expectations people have going into this movie and how we approach movies before they’re released.

Leave your thoughts as comments at or join the conversations happening at the official Facebook or Google+ pages. You may also e-mail the show at forallpod [at]

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Relevant Links:

“The Ballad Of Black Tom” Offers a Tribute To and Critique of Lovecraft” Fresh Air interview with author Victor LaValle via NPR.
“Stephen Byrne Gives DC Heroes a Modern Twist in ‘Trinity’ Short Story” by Andrew Wheeler via ComicsAlliance.
-BONUS: Stephen Byrne’s “Animated Adventures: Batman v Superman” Short via YouTube.

Featured Music:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio
-“Angel Theme” by Darling Violetta
-“Batman Theme Reprise” by Danny Elfman

Episode 18 – All the Way

Episode 18 – All the Way

It’s been a good week for nerds, what with Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D starting its second season and Gotham premiering (and that’s just on tv), so Andrew and Dan decided to bolster those good vibes in this new episode.

Week in Geek: Andrew paints miniatures for Shadows of Brimstone. Dan (with his wife) finishes his second watching of the Buffy and Angel run-through.

There Can Be Only One: In which Dan and Andrew puzzle over how the Highlander franchise has lasted so long and made so many bad (with a few very good) iterations of the premise.

Discussion: Zombies. ‘Nuff said.

The Silent Hero: Continuing their coverage of geeky things that they feel deserve more attention, this week Andrew and Dan discuss their love for Squaresoft’s (for it was not Square-Enix at the time) groundbreaking (and seemingly forgotten?) classic, Chrono Trigger.

Question: What fiction (tv/movie/game/book/story/etc.) has your most favorite iteration or use of time travel?

Answer in the comments to this episode’s post at Or you may leave a comment after joining the offical For All Intents and Purposes pages at either Facebook or Google+ (do a search at each site to find it). You may also e-mail any comments or questions to

For all intents and purposes, that’s an episode recap.

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-“Princes of the Universe” by Queen

-“Robo’s Theme” and “Frog’s Theme” by Yasunori Mitsuda

Episode 16 – Of Underwear Models & Wayward Sons

Episode 16 – Of Underwear Models & Wayward Sons

A new episode of For All Intents and Purposes is here in true episodic fashion! Though PAX may be done and no huge events seem to be around the corner, it’s back to business as usual.

The Week in Geek: Andrew plays the Battlestar Galactica board game and actually keeps his friends this time, while Dan watches Academy Award-nominated animated short films––specifically, “Adam and Dog” by Minkyu Lee. Also, Dan will be an exhibitor at this year’s Crocker-Con in Sacramento at the Crocker Art Museum. It happens on Thursday, 11 September, from 5-9pm. Be there!

Boasts of Bethel: Close-reading the second episode of Doctor Who‘s 8th series, “Into the Dalek,” Dan investigates the most prominent question on Whovians’ minds: Is Clara actually a good English teacher?

Discussion: Since Dan started watching Supernatural this week, he remembers the good old days of episodic nerdy drama and he and Andrew ponder why so much television has become serialized and whether it has helped or hurt the medium.

Love the Craft: Andrew and Dan look at another story by H. P. Lovecraft. This time, it’s one Andrew hasn’t read before, an exciting, frightening, and…funny (?) short called, “The Hound.”

Question: Hot off the presses of Apple’s press conference and their announcement of the Apple Watch, Dan and Andrew wonder:

What are your thoughts on the rise of “smart”, on-your-body peripherals for your phones?

Leave your answers on the page for this episode at, or join and leave a comment at the For All Intents and Purposes Facebook and/or Google+ pages. You may also send us your answers, questions, or comments at

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Episode 14 – Cautiously Pessimistic

Episode 14 – Cautiously Pessimistic

With a revived vigor, Dan and Andrew tackle one of the [relatively] biggest topics yet: Doctor Who. Not to worry, however, because they surround their Doctor Who talk with the usual thoughtful commentary about topics that For All Intents and Purposes envelops.

Week in Geek: Andrew watches To Be Takei and Dan talks about working with an artist on Long John.

The Mass Effect Series: Another installment in their look at culturally and intellectually important video games, Dan and Andrew expand their breadth and discuss why the entire Mass Effect series is so important.

Discussion: As expected, Andrew and Dan watched the new episode of Doctor Who‘s Series 8, “Deep Breath”, a bit too closely and have a lot of things to say about it, focusing on the 12th Doctor (as played by Peter Capaldi), its themes, and how it fits in to the show overall.

The Big Lebowski: Expanding their breadth even more, Dan and Andrew discuss a movie that they feel is culturally and intellectually important, hoping to expose an angle on the Coen Bros.’ The Big Lebowski that you haven’t really considered before.

Question: Much like Comic Con before it, another huge convention is about to happen––the Penny Arcade Expo, colloquially known as PAX (or PAX Prime). So, with that in mind we want to know,

What came out of PAX that got you excited and/or intrigued?

Since it hasn’t happened yet, Andrew and Dan couldn’t quite answer the question. However, we’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment at the post for this episode at, or e-mail us at

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Music from this episode:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-“Saren” by Jack Wall (from Mass Effect: Original Soundtrack)

-“New Worlds” by Jack Wall (from Mass Effect 2)

-“Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)” by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition.

Episode 08 – The Injection Objection

Episode 08 – The Injection Objection

The world can’t keep up with Dan and Andrew as they tear through all things geeky and nerdy.

The Week in Geek: Before getting into individual accomplishments, they discuss the recently released trailer for Doctor Who Series 8! Andrew then discusses his preparation for UnPub in Seattle, while Dan discusses about Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and the Veronica Mars movie.

Boasts of Bethel:  In this week’s boast, Dan gets psychological and ponders the connection between nerds and ironic/meta-humor and asks whether it’s a good thing or not. SPOILER: He has no answers.

Discussion:  Inspired by the satirical-cum-blindingly-successful Potato Salad Kickstarter that made the rounds in this week’s news cycle, Dan and Andrew examine what, exactly, Kickstarter is, could be, and should be and how it has been a benefit or detriment to geek culture.

Andrew Objects: Hot on the heels of news that Marvel’s Thor will now be a woman, Andrew decides to object to…those who object.

Geek Thoughts: Big thanks to Walter Phippeny, Liz Geisser, Jason Morgan, Ruben Hanson-Rojas, and Brittney Farrand for responding to last week’s question! Your answers were insightful and fun to talk about.  However, we must keep moving forward, so we ask:

What is a nerdy/geeky thing you’ve been doing recently that you want more people to know about?

Leave a comment on the episode’s post at, or on either Andrew’s or Dan’s Facebook/Google+/Twitter posts (Dan’s Twitter and Andrew’s Twitter).  You can also leave a comment on iTunes or e-mail us at forallpod [at]

Until next week, for all intents and purposes, this is an episode breakdown.