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Episode 09 – Podcastin’ All Night

Episode 09 – Podcastin’ All Night

As is the case every week, when exciting news or developments happen in the nerdy & geeky world, Andrew and Dan are on top of it with sharp wits and minds.

The Week in Geek:  Andrew starts reading comics and Dan finishes video games while listening to the new Weird Al album.

Boasts of Bethel: Dan talks about the audience’s role in completing that action that is “fiction.”

Discussion: This week Dan and Andrew discuss the recent developments in the world of comic books––specifically, the new Thor and the new Captain America––and how the world would benefit more from these “legacy” characters.

Games that Matter: This time, Andrew and Dan go on about their love for all things Fallout 3.

Geek Thoughts: After discussing the answers to last week’s questions. To that end, since I said I’d link to it, here is the historical recipes blog that commenter, Tracy Johnston, maintains, Goode Eates. This week our hosts ask a timely question:

What is exciting you or piquing your interest at this year’s San Diego ComicCon?

Submit your answer as a comment at, on Facebook, Google+, or on Twitter (Dan and Andrew).  Also, feel free to leave a review of the podcast on iTunes! Leaving reviews gets us more attention! Also, you can e-mail any questions, comments, or miscellanea to forallpod [at] gmail [dot] com.

For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap.

Music from the Episode:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-“Get Used to It” by Darren Korb, from Bastion (Original Soundtrack)

-“I Dont’ Want to Set the World on Fire” by The Ink Spots

-“The Rockford Files Theme” by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter