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Tag: Castlevania

Posts related to Konami’s popualr video game series, Castlevania.

Episode 10 – Nerd Business

Episode 10 – Nerd Business

The podcast reaches an arbitrary milestone and our hosts celebrate in style!  They also make another podcast that falls into line with the standards set by the preceding episodes.

The Week in Geek:  Andrew plays a video game card game based on an MMO as well as, in his words, “eating comic books.”  Dan talks about his own comic, Long John.

Boasts of Bethel: Dan reminisces on his two experiences with ComicCon, and tries to figure out what the SDCC (as the REAL fans call it) is actually about.

Discussion: Since one of the biggest nerd gatherings happened this week in San Diego, Andrew and Dan decide to discuss it; but, more specifically, they try to answer the age old SDCC question: Who won––Marvel or DC?

Games That Matter: Dan and Andrew craft an argument as to why the Playstation 1 game, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, is super-important and should be on everybody’s roster.

Geek Thoughts:  After finally answering last week’s question, they go broad with this week’s, asking:

What is a movie, tv, or video game soundtrack that you hold particularly dear and why?

Submit your answer as a comment on the episode’s page at, on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter (Dan and Andrew).  Also feel free to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and be sure to leave a comment there about how much you enjoy our thoughtful investigations into things geeky and nerdy! It’ll help to spread the word! Also, feel free to e-mail us at You’ll be glad you did.

For all intents and purposes, that was the tenth episode recap!

Music from this Episode:

-“Stayin’ in Black” by Wax Audio

-Theme from WildC.A.T.s the Animated Series by Sheree Jeacocke and Gerry Mosby.

-“Dance of Illusions” from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night original soundtrack by Michiru Yamane