Pardon Our Dust
Due to literal construction disrupting the ability to record, there’s no new episode this week. Our hosts shall return soon, however! Thank you for your patience!
In the meantime, here are some recent episodes that were pretty good:
- “Private Scientists” (23 February 2024): Our hosts discuss the homework involved (or not involved) in watching Disney+ Star Wars content (Ahsoka, in this case).
- “A Bunch of Empty Sound” (5 April 2024): We bring in our On-The-Ground-Marvel correspondent, Kyrun Silva (of Taurus Comics), to talk about the opening episodes of X-Men ’97.
- “Jersey Finger” (26 April 2024): In the middle of the frenzy that was Amazon Prime’s Fallout show, our hosts share their takes on it.
- “Rads & Butts” (10 May 2024): Where our hosts check out Fallout 76 in the wake of its new popularity after the success of the Amazon Prime show.
- “The Egyptian Sam Elliott” (19 July 2024): If there’s anything our hosts love, it’s Netflix’s Barbecue Showdown, and here they gush about the show’s third season.
- “General Skalsfass” (16 August 2024): Andrew brings a discussion around tabletop RPGs and the necessity (or not) of knowing their rules to “properly” play or enjoy a game.