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Tag: Karate Kid

Dot Nyet

Dot Nyet

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew finishes up Cobra Kai, while D. Bethel finds a wonderful world to explore in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

BRAVE NEW CAPTAIN: D. Bethel rounds out the episode discussing his (mostly spoiler-free) thoughts of Captain America: Brave New World. On the whole, he liked it!


(00:00) Intro – February’s over, suddenly!
(01:45) Andrew’s WiG: The end of Cobra Kai
(31:51) D. Bethel’s WiG: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
(45:20) Outro – D.’s thoughts of Captain America: Brave New World (mild spoilers)
(52:21) Outtakes


  • Too Many Johnnies” (5 February 2021): Where our hosts have their first big sit-down conversation about Cobra Kai.
  • Full Frasier” (16 September 2022): Where Andrew discusses the fifth season of Cobra Kai.
  • New Machine, New Problems” (29 November 2024): Where Andrew shares his thoughts on the first part of Cobra Kai, season 6.



New Machine, New Problems

New Machine, New Problems

TOM HANKSGIVING: Andrew bought a new Mac, so he decides to play No Man’s Sky while D. Bethel is Tom Hanksful for the delightful retro-stylings of the indie RPG, Beyond Galaxyland.

GRIPESGIVING: With all the thanks out of the way, our hosts decide to complete the holiday by complaining about things. Andrew is mad at the new season of Cobra Kai while D. Bethel becomes irrationally furious with the new Wicked movie.

(00:00) Intro: It’s American Thanksgiving
(03:34) Andrew buys a Mac Mini and plays No Man’s Sky
(17:59) D. Bethel loves Beyond Galaxyland
(25:19) Outro: Gripesgiving #1 – Cobra Kai season 6 is interminable
(28:27) Gripesgiving #2 – the 3-hour Wicked adaptation is only PART ONE?!
(32:13) Outtakes


  • Chekhov’s Honk” (22 January 2021): Where our hosts discuss The Karate Kid, The Karate Kid Part 2, and The Karate Kid Part 3, briefly.
  • Too Many Johnnies” (5 February 2021): Where our hosts dive into Cobra Kai.
  • Nomanski” (24 November 2023): Where our hosts talk about No Man’s Sky.



Full Frasier

Full Frasier

WEEK IN GEEK: After avoiding the microphones for a week due to disaster-level weather, our hosts return with their Weeks in Geek. Andrew watched Cobra Kai, season 5, and finds it makes a bad movie good. D. Bethel watched people play videogames over on the Nextlander YouTube channel, where they work their way through the incredibly dated, but also incredibly daring point-and-click adventure game, The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (aka Gabriel Knight 2).


  • Premature Clapulation” (19 June 2014): Where our hosts talk about the history, legacy, and current state (as of 2014) of point-and-click adventure games.
  • The Tainted Lens” (28 April 2017): Where D. Bethel discusses his favorite point-and-click adventure game, LucasArts’ Full Throttle, after it was remastered as Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Chekhov’s Honk” (22 January 2021): Where our hosts talk about the first three Karate Kid movies.
  • Too Many Johnnies” (05 February 2021): Where our hosts have a big talk about the Cobra Kai series.




Chekhov’s Honk

Chekhov’s Honk

YOU’RE THE BEST: With Cobra Kai recently releasing its third season, many viewers have been inspired to watch (or rewatch) the original The Karate Kid films. Two of those folks happen to be our humble hosts. As a prelude to an eventual discussion about Cobra Kai, Andrew and D. Bethel discuss The Karate Kid, The Karate Kid Part 2, and (briefly) The Karate Kid Part 3.

Crunchyroll - Forum - What would you say/do if you woke up lying next to  the above - Page 1382



  • Dad Talk” (18 September 2020): Where Andrew previously talked about Cobra Kai and watching, for the first time The Karate Kid.
  • Weekend Ramboing” (04 December 2020): Where D. Bethel sounds off about how superhero movies should do more to break the mold.



Earl British

Earl British

BETHESDA, WA: In a surprising turn of events––in the same week that Sony gathered all the attention for announcing the prices and release dates of its upcoming console(s)––Microsoft announced its acquisition of Bethesda Softworks––developer of the The Elder Scrolls series and the Fallout series and publisher of franchises like Doom and Wolfenstein––for a price tag of approximately $7.5 billion. Andrew and D. Bethel ruminate (and, at times, speculate) at what this could mean for Bethesda, and gaming, for the future.



  • Episode 61 – A Lot About Hmm” (21 Aug 2015): Where Andrew buys a Playstation Vita.
  • Nothing But Feet” (13 Dec 2019): Where D. Bethel discusses the sidelining of Campo Santo’s second game, In the Valley of the Gods, after Valve purchased the studio.
  • News Cruise” (07 Aug 2020): Where D. Bethel revealed that the Golden State Killer committed his first Sacramento crimes in his neighborhood.



Dad Talk

Dad Talk

WEEK IN GEEK: It’s kind of an accidental ’80s week as Andrew watches the YouTube Premium/Netflix series, Cobra Kai––which then prompted him to go back and watch the original Karate Kid movie––while D. Bethel, in an effort to see what all the hype was about, sat down and watched a version of the 1984 sci-fi classic, Dune.

THE NEW FINAL: At this week’s PlayStation 5 event, a trailer for Final Fantasy XVI was revealed as an exclusive (at least for the moment) for the PS5.



  • News Bruise” (11 September 2020): Where D. Bethel and Andrew discuss the trailer for this year’s new Dune adaptation, briefly.