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Tag: Neil Gaiman

Patient Zero

Patient Zero

WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew gets caught up in the new ARG run by Paizo for its upcoming Pathfinder book, even getting involved in deciphering the obtuse and mysterious clues; D. Bethel, on the other hand, delights in the incredibly faithful (yet different!) adaptation of The Sandman on Netflix.


(00:00) Intro – Andrew check-up

(01:40) Andrew’s dive into Paizo ARG conspiracies

(12:38) D. Bethel talks about Netflix’s adaptation of The Sandman.

(35:17) Outro – She-Hulk

(37:32) Outtakes


  • The image Andrew created using the redacted image Paizo posted with a page from one of the company’s books:
Andrew’s attempt at deciphering Paizo’s mystery.


  • Premature Clapulation” (19 June 2014): Where D. Bethel shares his thoughts about what makes a good adaptation.
  • The F-14 in the Backyard” (12 February 2016): Where our host talk about the ARG run by the creators of Sentinels of the Multiverse.
  • Lovecraftian Minus Tentacles” (7 April 2017): Where Andrew shares his thoughts on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
  • Non-Stop Jason” (13 November 2020): Where our hosts attempt to decipher the conspiracy (or reality) of “Umbrella Labs.” Resident Evil ARG? or legitimate medical supply company?