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Ear Covid

Ear Covid

AD&D (ANDREW, DUNGEONS, & DRAGONS): Andrew, after years away, gets drawn into a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Planescape adventure and shares his thoughts on how the game looks after having avoided it for so long.


(00:00) Intro – The dangers of COVID broadcasting
(01:35) Andrew’s new D&D adventure adventure
(51:02) Outro – Jon Stewart returns to The Daily Show
(55:16) Outtakes


  • The Space Dog and Bacchus Show” (21 August 2014): Where Andrew first experiments with Dungeons & Dragons‘ 5th Edition open beta, DnDNext.
  • Some Solid Copy” (31 July 2015): Where our hosts discuss Jon Stewart’s departure from The Daily Show.
  • Choose Your Weapon” (31 July 2020): Where Andrew discusses the documentary, Secret of Blackmoor: The True History of Dungeons & Dragons.